Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Learning Game Idea

Michael, Joe and myself have been suggesting of the idea of a game developed to help people to learn.

I like the idea of using the Torque Engine over the Quake 3 Engine as the Torque engine is a lot better for exanding I feel and there are no legal problems with me using it. Even with Q3's GPL status now. Also I have used it a lot. But engine doesn't really matter... Q3 is nicer for animations.

Possible engines:
Cube (and it's bigger brother dubbed "Cube 2")
Pros: GPL, uses Quake 2 model format
Cons: only in C and C++ focus on a lot of OpenGL and SDL

Quake 3
Pros: GPL, 1000's of tools and models, C-script
Cons: requires to be complied in to qvm's and if using GPL won't be able to use Quake 3 game content and scripts

Torque (Tribes 2)
Pros: Lots of tools, ready scripts for simple game formats, FPS/Racing Large comunity of code and resources, can sell, master server access, C-script
Cons: C++ code access needs to be brought $100US, harder animation files (for player models anyway)

My idea so far as follows:
Multi-player FPS Web-Code challenger

Challenge round:
Find the number of errors in this html, css, javascript, php script/markup. Fastest person to finish and to win gets to start with a better weapon.

(A little icon next to there name also)

Each round is 15mins.

Assault Rifle
Sniper Rifle
Gernade Launcher
Rocket Launcher

Game Type:
Capture the code (Capture games need more people though - so maybe a deathmatch also)

TASK: Capture a CD with important Code on it, you need to hack in to the computer room and then grab the disc and take it to your computer room.

Hacking will be done with prompt to check the code for number of errors like before. But maybe this code for hacking maybe only Javascript and PHP.

*Why only number of errors and not to fix the code, to fix the code would require that we make a debugger tool for the different types of scripting and mark-up languages that may not be that good of an idea, but may be a future thing to work on.


Blogger Michael said...

ooooh... i love it when ideas grow! Torque sounds ok... i take it from what you said that it's free as long as you're only using C-script (which is all we'd want to be using anyway).

... but I can't find anything saying this... even the educational use for the Torque engine seems to come with a fee?

On a side note, when you're forwarding your post to the email group, we're losing all the links?

6:59 pm  
Blogger Michael said...

oh... and by 'torque sounds ok', i meant it sounds really good! Reading lots of reviews atm.

7:01 pm  
Blogger Michael said...

actually, sounds like the Torque license is paying for the source-code... i'm guessing that's what you were saying? So we can download the binary and stick to the C-script?

7:03 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah you can just download the demo if you want to and just use that(think it has the scripts). But I also have the latest releases.

I think the education one is more for Uni's etc that want to develop new tech on a REAL engine. Or to use there great networking (Which they sell seperatly! :-))


Is what I've done with Torque, I've had it for years! got it on the "Jan 19, 2002" I was so excitted, became much harder then excepted back then though, but they have so much more in the engine now to make it easy adn all the tuorials its amazing. Haven't done anything for ages.

7:33 pm  
Blogger Michael said...

Wow.... that's amazing! I've been playing with the demo (which runs on Linux too... yay).

Looks unreal! Especially the way garagegames is setup... looking forward to trying some of this!

8:48 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

GarageGames website I used to like a lot more once it was more developer focused and easier to find dev stuff now its all changed I feel awkward with it now days. Even though it changed a long time!

There is also a shader version of the engine(complete rewrite basiclly of the rendering pipe-lines) but it's a lot less portable due to its shaders, high requirements.

It sure wouldn't run on TAFE computers!

11:07 pm  

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