Monday, October 10, 2005

Flipper the firing dolphin let loose by Katrina

Experts who have studied the US navy's cetacean training exercises claim the 36 mammals could be carrying 'toxic dart' guns. Divers and surfers risk attack, they claim, from a species considered to be among the planet's smartest. The US navy admits it has been training dolphins for military purposes, but has refused to confirm that any are missing.

This is one story that is really quite odd...

How to the dolphins fire? Do they "say" something and the single is picked up and then the dart is fired. But what if there are multiple dolphins? they'll fire all over the place! Does any body know more about the dolphins firing capabilities?!

How do the Yanks know when dolphins have fired and hit a "terrorist"? won't they just sink?

And what if the Dolphins see Yanky DET, SEALs or engineers, in the water? Was this design thoughout?

These dolphins maybe the end of us all... And bring to us doom by our own hand... could be interesting but most likely not.

Reminds me somewhat of Star Wars, not the film.


Blogger Unknown said...

I post and seconds later I get Spam, but this is real crap, religious crap!

12:16 pm  

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