Friday, October 14, 2005

Mr. Olympia 2005

Well it's not long now at all.

I have for a long time thought the problem with the system is that for as long as a winner of the show continues to compete they will continue to win, no matter how they look.

Because if you win you are the best in the world, so how can anyone who has been crowned as the best ever be beaten?

I would really like to see Jay Cutler win or anyone but Ronnie Coleman win but as we get closer I feel that it's going to be very hard to knock off a so called "best of the world" Ronnie, no matter how awful he turns up looking.

So far only to my knowledge has only one Mr. O lost in the comp, and this was the great Frank Zane (maybe the best classic look so far) he lost to Arnold when he made his come back in 1980, but he was already a Mr. O, so the "Best of the world" was beaten by an older "Best of the World". Frank Zane protested the next two years about the contest and so did Mike Mentzer. When Frank Zane returned in 1983 he was beaten again, but this was by a first time Mr. O - Samir "The Lion" Bannout.

So there is some hope, as Frank Zane was badly injuried before the 1980 contest and that may show that the best does win?

Though it does seem odd at times.

Frank Zane (Mr. O 1977-1979) was one of three people to ever beat Arnold, the others been Sergio Oliva (Mr. O 1967-1969) and ...

I have never found the other person who has ever beaten Arnold. Most likely it was before he became great. Maybe before 1966. Does anybody know?


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